Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship https://mail.koersjournal.org.za/index.php/koers <p>Koers is an accredited scholarly journal that strives to promote foundational reflection in science. This research includes contemplation of the philosophical presuppositions of scientific disciplines, as well as reflection on the role of worldview in science. The Koers Association, as the official body, has been in existence since 1926. The Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship is the association’s interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal which has appeared quarterly since 1935.</p> <p><br />Koers promotes the development of Christian scholarship/science in all fields of science and publishes original (mainly reflective) research contributions with an integrated worldview as the foundation. We provide a platform for authors to engage constructively and critically with Christian scholarly/scientific points of view in all fields of science.</p> <p><br />Editor-in-Chief: Professor Annette Combrink, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa.</p> <p><br />Financial support and affiliation: Koers Association (South Africa).</p> Scriber Editorial Systems en-US Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 0023-270X <p><strong>Copyright information </strong></p> <ul> <li class="show">Ownership of copyright in terms of the Work remains with the authors.</li> <li class="show">The authors retain the non-exclusive right to do anything they wish with the Work, provided attribution is given to the place and detail of original publication, as set out in the official citation of the Work published in the journal. The retained right specifically includes the right to post the Work on the authors’ or their institutions’ websites or institutional repositories.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Publication and user license </strong></p> <ul> <li class="show">The authors grant the title owner and the publisher an irrevocable license and first right and perpetual subsequent right to (a) publish, reproduce, distribute, display and store the Work in any form/medium, (b) to translate the Work into other languages, create adaptations, summaries or extracts of the Work or other derivative works based on the Work and exercise all of the rights set forth in (a) above in such translations, adaptations, summaries, extracts and derivative works, (c) to license others to do any or all of the above, and (d) to register the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the Definitive Work.</li> <li class="show">The authors acknowledge and accept the user licence under which the Work will be published as set out in <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/</a> (Creative Commons Attribution License South Africa)</li> <li class="show">The undersigned warrant that they have the authority to license these publication rights and that no portion of the copyright to the Work has been assigned or licensed previously to any other party.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Disclaimer</strong>: The publisher, editors and title owner accept no responsibility for any statement made or opinion expressed by any other person in this Work. Consequently, they will not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by any reader as a result of his or her action upon any statement or opinion in this Work. <br /><strong>In cases where a manuscript is NOT accepted for publication by the editorial board, the portions of this agreement regarding the publishing licensing shall be null and void and the authors will be free to submit this manuscript to any other publication for first publication.</strong></p> <p>Our copyright policies are author-friendly and protect the rights of our authors and publishing partners.</p> Pascal’s Wager and Its Postmodern Counterpart https://mail.koersjournal.org.za/index.php/koers/article/view/2505 <p>Pascal’s <em>Wager</em> is probably the most analyzed apologetic argument in the history of apologetics. What has often been the case, however, is that this piece of Pascal’s <em>Pens</em><em>é</em><em>es</em> has often been misinterpreted and taken out of the Pascal’s total apologetic work. For that reason, the <em>Wager</em> has been misappropriated and has undergone a battery of misplaced criticism. Taken in its proper context, the <em>Wager</em> is a beautiful vindication of the Christian faith, cleverly constructed to make the skeptic re-think his position and contemplate the importance of the Christian faith. Much confusion exists about the placement of this particular <em>Pens</em><em>é</em><em>es</em>, and where it is situated in his overall apology (<em>Pens</em><em>é</em><em>es </em>418) lends itself to the challenge of what has become “the Many Gods Objection.” For that reason, I would suggest that Pascal’s <em>Wager</em> belongs at the very beginning of his <em>Pens</em><em>é</em><em>es</em>, where the rest of the <em>Pens</em><em>é</em><em>es</em> are an explanation for the reason Christianity is the most attractive belief. Postmodern philosophers have re-appropriated the <em>Wager</em> and made it fit their own philosophical and theological presuppositions playing in the hands of the “Many-Gods-Objection.” This paper describes the beauty of Pascal’s <em>Wager</em> in its proper context and expresses the erroneous postmodern appropriation of the Wager.</p> Bill Nyman Copyright (c) 2024 Bill Nyman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2024-04-04 2024-04-04 89 1 10.19108/KOERS.89.1.2505 The Contribution and philosophical development of the reformational philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd https://mail.koersjournal.org.za/index.php/koers/article/view/2512 <p>Herman Dooyeweerd and Dirk H. Th. Vollenhoven played complementary roles in the development of Reformational philosophy. This paper examines the role that Dooyeweerd had to play and examines the development of his philosophy.</p> <p><a href="https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.89.1.2512"><img src="https://koersjournal.org.za/public/site/images/editor/DOI_logo.svg_(2)_31.png" alt="" />https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.89.1.2512</a></p> Jeremy Ive Copyright (c) 2024 Jeremy Ive https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 89 1 10.19108/KOERS.89.1.2512 Emma Renzi: Van operasangeres tot sangpedagoog: https://mail.koersjournal.org.za/index.php/koers/article/view/2589 <p><strong>OPSOMMING</strong><br />Hierdie artikel is in ‘n sekere sin ʼn outobiografie oor Emma Renzi, wat op 8 April 2023 97 jaar oud geword het. Renzi was ‘n internasionaal erkende Suid-Afrikaanse operasangeres wat in die tweede fase van haar roemryke loopbaan ook ‘n pedagoog en rolmodel vir talle sangers was. Die oorgang van sangeres tot besonder begaafde pedagoog was ʼn doelbewuste besluit wat sy geneem het om volgens haar oortuigings haar lewe en haar talente op die mees doelmatige wyse te kon uitleef. Dit is hierdie lewensloop wat in hierdie artikel onder die loep geneem en ontleed word.</p> <p>Vanweë die aard van ons verbintenis gaan die gesprekke in hierdie artikel oor Renzi se professionele loopbaan, haar herinneringe aan ‘n spesifieke era, tegniese aspekte in die onderrig van sang en uitdagings van ‘n professionele sangloopbaan. Die rykdom van Renzi se eerstehandse ervaringe en kennis van style in verskillende genres van sang is van onskatbare waarde vir die ontwikkeling van jong sangers en dosente. Dit is ook van historiese belang vir Suid-Afrikaners om die nalatenskap van ‘n sanger te vereer wat tydens haar loopbaan internasionale roem verwerf het en dit haar lewenstaak gemaak het om die insigte wat sy verwerf het aan haar studente oor te dra. Op hierdie wyse het sy hulle dus gevorm met professionaliteit, deernis en insig om self roemryke en vervullende loopbane te volg.</p> <p>Outobiografiese navorsing sluit narratiewe asook die siening van ander gesaghebbendes in oor die geleefde ervaringe en die betekenis daarvan vir sangers en sangpedagoë. In hierdie studie was dit daarom moontlik om studente te lei en te vorm en nie bloot te onderrig nie.</p> <p>‘n Raamwerk vir die artikel is gebou deur situasies asook spesiale ervaringe en uitdagings te beskryf. Probleme, lewensomstandighede en die informele interaksie tussen Renzi en die gehoor, dirigente, medesangers, agente en studente word uitgelig. Uiteindelik word daar op die betekenis van Renzi se loopbaan vir Suid-Afrikaners gewys. Renzi se geleefde ervaringe as internasionale sanger en erkende pedagoog bied ʼn waardevolle agtergrond vir sangers en onderwysers om sangers te help om hul volledige menswees te verwesenlik.</p> <p><strong>Trefwoorde:</strong> betekenis vir sangonderwysers; Emma Renzi; outobiografiese navorsingsondersteunde onderrig; professionele sangloopbaan; sangpedagogiek</p> <p><br /><strong>Emma Renzi: From opera singer to singing pedagogue: A philosophical perspective</strong><br /><strong>ABSTRACT</strong><br />In one sense, this article is an autobiography about Emma Renzi, who turned 97 on 8 April 2023. Renzi was an internationally celebrated South African opera singer who was also a pedagogue and a role model for many singers during the second phase of her illustrious career. The transition from singer to exceptionally gifted pedagogue was a conscious decision that she made to express her convictions that she should live her life and her talents in the most positive and focused way. It is thus this odyssey that is investigated and analysed in this article. <br />Due to the nature of our bond, the discussions in this article focus on Renzi’s professional career, her memories of a specific era, the technical aspects of singing instruction, and the challenges of a professional singing career. The wealth of Renzi’s first-hand experiences and her knowledge of styles in various singing genres are invaluable for the development of young singers and instructors. It is also of historical importance for South Africans to honour the legacy of a singer who achieved international fame during her career and made it her life’s mission to pass on the insights she gained to her students. In this way, she shaped them with professionalism, compassion, and understanding, enabling them to pursue illustrious and fulfilling careers of their own.</p> <p>Autobiographical research includes narratives as well as the views of other authorities about lived experiences and their significance for singers and singing pedagogues. In this study, it was possible to lead and shape students and not merely teach them.</p> <p>A framework for the article was constructed by describing special experiences and challenges. Problems, life conditions and the informal interaction between Renzi and the audience, conductors, co-singers, agents, and students are highlighted. Ultimately, the meaning of Renzi’s career is underlined for South Africans. Her lived experiences as an international singer and renowned pedagogue offer a valuable background for singers and teachers to help singers realise their full human capacity.</p> <p><strong>Key terms:</strong> autobiographical research-supported training; Emma Renzi; meaning for singing lecturers; pedagogy of singing; professional singing career<br /><br /><a href="https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.89.1.2589"><img src="https://koersjournal.org.za/public/site/images/editor/DOI_logo.svg_(2)_31.png" alt="" />https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.89.1.2589</a></p> Antoinette Olivier Copyright (c) 2024 Antoinette Olivier https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 89 1 10.19108/KOERS.89.1.2589 Spirituality in the workplace in South Africa: https://mail.koersjournal.org.za/index.php/koers/article/view/2590 <p>Background: Spirituality is a multi-dimensional concept that involves a person’s pursuit of well-being through connections with oneself, others, nature, and the transcendent. Spirituality in the workplace encompasses the integration of spirituality into organisational and work dynamics.</p> <p>Purpose: This systematic literature review sourced and synthesised empirical research evidence to explore the influence and experience of perceived spirituality in the workplace on workers in the South African workplace.</p> <p>Methodology: The systematic literature review plan was registered on the Open Science Framework. Keyword searches were conducted, and studies were screened following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) process and checklist. Specific inclusion and exclusion criteria informed the second screening and review of articles. Thirty-one articles fit the specific criteria for inclusion in the review. Relevant data was extracted using thematic analysis.</p> <p>Findings/results: The respondents in the various studies spanned public and private sectors, encompassing various professions and ethnicities. The articles reviewed indicated that the perception of spirituality in the workplace manifested in a variety of constructs and concepts, positively influencing and impacting individual, group, and organisational levels. The review indicated that nuanced contextual differences may play a role in the experience of spirituality in the South African workplace.</p> <p>Practical implications: The literature review suggests potential constructs for understanding workplace spirituality in South Africa, with future research potential for constructing a framework fostering a pluralistic model of spirituality at work.</p> <p>Originality/value: Understanding spirituality in the South African work context could assist in bringing about more productive and healthy organisations. Provided data also forms a basis for developing a potential framework for implementing spirituality in South African organisations.</p> <p> </p> <p><br /><strong>OPSOMMING</strong><br />Agtergrond: Spiritualiteit is ‘n multidimensionele konsep wat die nastrewing van ‘n persoon se algemene welsyn en gesondheid omvat, wat geïntegreerdheid met die self, ander, natuur en die bomenslike insluit. Spiritualiteit in die werkplek sluit die integrasie van spiritualiteit in organisatoriese en werksdinamika in. <br />Doel: Hierdie sistematiese literatuuroorsig het empiriese navorsingsbewyse verkry en gesintetiseer om die invloed en ervaring van waargenome spiritualiteit by die werk op werkers in die Suid-Afrikaanse werkplek te verken.</p> <p>Metodologie: Die sistematiese literatuurstudieplan is op die Open Science Framework geregistreer. Sleutelwoordsoektogte is gedoen, en studies is gesif met behulp van die Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses- (PRISMA) proses en -kontrolelys. Spesifieke in- en uitsluitingskriteria het die tweede sifting en keuring van artikels gelei. Een-en-dertig (31) artikels pas by die spesifieke kriteria vir insluiting in die oorsig. Relevante data is onttrek deur tematiese analise te gebruik.</p> <p>Bevindinge/resultate: Die respondente in die verskillende studies het oor openbare en private sektore gestrek en verskeie beroepe en etnisiteite ingesluit. Die artikels wat nagegaan is, het aangedui dat die persepsie van spiritualiteit in die werkplek gemanifesteer het in ‘n verskeidenheid konstrukte en konsepte, wat individuele, groeps- en organisatoriese vlakke positief beïnvloed. Die oorsig het aangedui dat genuanseerde kontekstuele verskille ’n rol in die ervaring van spiritualiteit in die Suid-Afrikaanse werkplek kan speel.</p> <p>Praktiese implikasies: Die literatuuroorsig stel potensiële konstrukte voor om werkplekspiritualiteit in Suid-Afrika te verstaan, met toekomstige navorsingspotensiaal vir die bou van ‘n raamwerk wat ‘n pluralistiese model van spiritualiteit by die werk bevorder.</p> <p>Oorspronklikheid/waarde: Begrip van spiritualiteit in die Suid-Afrikaanse werkskonteks kan daartoe bydra om produktiewer en gesonder organisasies tot stand te bring. Data wat voorsien is, skep ook ‘n basis vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n potensiële raamwerk vir die implementering van spiritualiteit in Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies.</p> <p><a href="https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.89.1.2590"><img src="https://koersjournal.org.za/public/site/images/editor/DOI_logo.svg_(2)_31.png" alt="" />https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.89.1.2590</a></p> <p> </p> Marita Heyns Tessa De Wet Vasti Marais-Opperman Copyright (c) 2024 Prof Marita Heyns, Dr Tessa De Wet, Dr Vasti Marais-Opperman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 89 1 10.19108/KOERS.89.1.2590